Who’s Your Farmer? Fernanda Longo

A Farm veteran of over a decade, greenhouse manager Fernanda Longo is a true botanical expert with the background to support it. A wash-ashore from Brazil’s agricultural center, Fernanda has been working with Farm Grown annuals & perennials and offering her expertise to customers from the the very beginning. Today, she is an integral part of the Farm, and the Garden Center (or greenhouse production for that matter) wouldn’t be what it is today without her.

A proud Brazilian, born and raised; Fernanda Longo Franco de Souza joined Bartlett’s as an intern in the spring of 2012. A recent graduate from one of Brazil’s top agricultural programs, she was in search of work experience abroad and Bartlett’s was highly recommended. More than a decade later, Fernanda has ascended to the head of greenhouse production, and one of our most important leaders. She was hand selected to fill the position of greenhouse production manager by her mentor, Pete Smith, who pioneered greenhouse production at Bartlett’s starting in the 1980’s.

Fernanda grew up in Piracicaba, a city in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Piracicaba is known nationally as an agricultural polestar, acting as a hub for manufacturing relevant equipment. It also servers as the heart of agricultural education in Brazil, home to the country’s oldest agricultural university. Piracicaba is fondly known by Brazilians as “Cidade de Acucar”, the Sugar City, with its sweet history of sugar production celebrated annually with the Sugar Cane Festival.

Growing up in a place where farming is part of the local DNA, it’s no surprise that Fernanda wanted to study agriculture. She graduated from the Federal University of Lavras in 2011 and decided soon after to make the scary but thrilling journey to continue her career in the United States. During her search, her sponsor company recommended Bartlett’s as “one of the best hosts we have”. Fernanda took the plunge and made the trip to Nantucket, and she describes it as “love at first sight”. Right back at you, Fernanda!


-Callaghan Bartlett, Sales & Promotions

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