Sautéed Chicken with Basil and Romaine Salad

<em><strong>Each week, our list of Farm Grown gets a little bit longer and a little bit greener. At the top of this week’s list is our Hydroponic Basil. Sweet, with a hint of spice and licorice, and deeply fragrant. Our Farm Grown tomatoes are still a way off, but there are so many other ways to enjoy this green gift.</strong></em> The leaves are great as is, just tossed in with any greens. I especially like to make a salad using Hydro Basil and our Hydro Romaine. Crispy romaine with the soft texture and flavor of the basil is a great base for any salad. I’m a big fan of an old-school oven sauté for chicken thighs. Put your favorite pan (mine is an old cast iron pan) in your oven, and preheat to 425. When pistol hot, (carefully!) remove the pan from the oven and place over medium heat. Add a bit of olive oil and a bit of butter. When foaming subsides, add bone in, skin on chicken thighs, skin side down. Any of Sarah-Leah Chase’s seasonings will do, but my favorite of late has been her Greek to Me. Season chicken, let brown (five to seven minutes) turn over, and back in the oven it goes. About 18 minutes later, take it out of the oven, set the chicken aside, and let it rest. Put the (very hot!) pan on the stove, low heat. Add a tablespoon of diced shallot, a sprig or two of fresh oregano leaves, and stir to coat with all of the chickeny goodness. Add a tablespoon of tomato paste, whisk to combine, and scrape up the bits from the pan. Add about a half cup white wine (or water, or rosé, or chicken stock…you get the idea…you want to loosen up all the bits and build the sauce.) Let reduce for a minute or two, add a knob of butter to finish, and pour over your chicken. Serve alongside that bright green Romaine and Basil mix…a bit of oil and vinegar is just enough to round it out. And the leftovers….yes indeed. Best lunch ever.

-written by Mj Mojer, Store Manager

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